Using this Theme ====================================== Here you will find comprehensive details on installing and configuring your Sphinx documentation to use this theme. You will also find optional configuration flags. Installation -------------------------------------- There are no current releases of this theme but you can install directly from Github:: pip install git+git:// Basic Sphinx Configuration -------------------------------------- To configure Sphinx to use the theme you should make the following changes to your Sphinx configuration ````. .. code-block:: python import caktus_theme html_theme = 'caktus' html_theme_path = [caktus_theme.get_theme_dir()] html_sidebars = caktus_theme.default_sidebars() In addition the ``pygments_style`` configuration should be commented out or removed .. code-block:: python # pygments_style = 'sphinx' if you wish to use the default Pygments style for the theme (``friendly``). Additional Theme Configuration -------------------------------------- Beyond the above configuration to use the theme for your documentation, there are additional flags which can be set using the ``html_theme_options`` dictionary. An example is given below. .. code-block:: python html_theme_options = { 'tagline': caktus_theme.__doc__, 'links': { 'github': '', }, 'forkme': 'right', } These theme options assume that you are using the default sidebars given by ``caktus_theme.default_sidebars`` as previously configured. ``tagline`` ______________________________________ The ``tagline`` key in the ``html_theme_options`` defines the text which is present on the top the sidebar just below the project name. This should be used to give a brief description of the project and its purpose. It is recommened that this match the description given in the project's if there is one. ``links`` ______________________________________ The ``links`` option is a dictionary of links to be displayed on the index page sidebar under the Quick Links heading. The set of recongnized keys are given below - pypi: Link to the project's page on the Python Package Index - github: Link to the project source on Github. This will also include a link to the issue tracker - demo: Link to a publicly accessible live demo - mail: Link to the project's mailing list If the ``links`` key is not given in ``html_theme_options`` then the Quick Links section will not display. If one of the above link types is not present then that link will not be shown in the listing. ``forkme`` ______________________________________ ``forkme`` configures if/how the `"Fork me on Github" `_ banner is included on the documentation. By default the banner will display on the right-hand side if a Github link is included in the above ``links`` configuration. You may choose to have this display on the left side by setting this to ``left`` or disabling the banner by setting this option to an empty string or ``None``. Regardless of the positioning the banner will only display on the index of the documentation.